The UCL School of Pharmacy is one of the most highly-rated pharmacy schools in the UK. As the oldest school, founded by the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in 1842, it has over 180 years of experience and tradition throughout which it has retained its identity as a specialist institution dedicated to teaching and research in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. The School’s motto is “Salutifer Orbi,” which translates as “Bringing health to the world” and we are one of the world’s leading centres of excellence for pharmaceutical science, education and professional engagement. UCL is currently rated 4th in the world by the QS Ranking (Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2024), as well as 2nd in the Shanghai Ranking (Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2023).
The School has a well-established track record in high quality research across a broad range of drug discovery, formulation science, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacy and patient safety related areas as well as in the development of spinout companies bringing new therapeutic strategies to the patient. This range of research feeds into our integrated approach to pharmacy education. We offer a 4 year MPharm degree that leads, after a further year of paid pre-registration training, to registration as a pharmacist in Great Britain, as well as taught and research-based Masters degrees, and doctorates.